Madeline Angelus has become recognized as a unique Energy Medicine “Colon Hydrotherapist” and a top Energy Medicine teacher of our time. She educates her clients about proper physiology, how Energy Medicine empowers people to become their own best healers, and teaches energy medicine techniques to improve their lives. She has created this website to touch people around the world with her unique knowledge.
Madeline is author of Energy Medicine Diet:
Energy Medicine Diet: Your Personal Health & Wellness Foundation for the 21st Century, as well as author of Energy Medicine Diet Charts and is featured in multiple Energy Medicine Diet DVD’s where she teaches the healing power of the their body’s own energy system. She holds a Master’s Degree with Dr. Jean Houston with over three decades of learning, teaching and speaking on body/mind/spirit integrative work and the equivalent to a Master’s degree with Donna Eden, Eden Energy Medicine.
Madeline’s path to Energy Medicine occurred after a serious illness in 1999. Like many others, she tried the western medical system to heal her illness. It was through alternative medicine that Madeline fully recovered. She knew at the time the illness was a “gift” as it inspired her to learn, grow and heal herself and ultimately help others to heal.
Since that time her passion has been to help others transform their lives through the power of Energy Medicine and Colon Hydrotherapy. She created Energy Medicine resources to make it possible for individuals to learn energy medicine. Madeline has worked with thousands of people in her Energy Medicine Colon Hydrotherapy practice, located in Boulder, Colorado. She has gained a reputation for being able to help people heal complex health issues using Energy Medicine techniques where she combines a unique fusion of colon hydrotherapy, energy medicine, energy psychology, nutrition, energy medicine bodywork.
Madeline is a member of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, is a certified Instructor and recognized School through I-ACT (www.i-act.org), and the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy, as well as a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner (Innersource). Madeline is also a Senior Faculty member for Advanced Colonic Techniques School (Teacher Of The Colon) in Boulder, Colorado.